Alan McTeer Jr.

Joe Pilot MD

“Could not put this book down.”

– Grant (Amazon Reader)

Dr. Brian Joseph Doyle, a renowned vascular surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital ("Joe," to his friends), spends weekends with Harley, his dog, flying his amphibious airplane to remote villages along the rugged coast of British Columbia, bringing much needed medical care to people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to it. Memories of his deceased wife keep his life from being perfect, but his work is satisfying, his time in the air with Harley is exemplary, and his new partner, Dr. Alexandra Sharapova, a beautiful Russian woman determined not to like him, is showing signs of yielding.

Just when it looks like things couldn’t get much better, an administrator, Vivian, who has long been in love with Joe realizes that she has the power to pull the plug on Joe and Alex’s relationship. What she doesn’t realize is that her deed will set off a chain reaction with consequences more dire than anything she could have imagined.

Joe Pilot was inspired by true stories of first responders who regularly risk their lives to save others. In the hands of Alan McTeer Jr., an avid pilot, the story of Joe comes fully to life. Joe Pilot is a tale of incomparable passion—for the thrill of flying, the plight of those in need, and the power of love.

Alan McTeer

Escaping Cuba

“A must for any one who flies or likes planes. Be careful you may stay up all night just to finish this book.”

– Randolf Albers (Amazon Reader)

Ace pilot Alan Richards has taken a job ferrying Greenpeace scientists in a seaplane to identify freighters and cruise ships that are pumping waste overboard. But when an engine glitch forces him to land in an area of Mexico known for drug smuggling (and for which he has not filed a flight plan), he opts to abandon the plane and take his chances living on the beach rather than run the risk of being mistaken for a smuggler.

This gives the CIA the chance to make their move. They know that Richards is always running away from his past, and they need a rogue pilot like him to fly into Cuba, land, pick up two baseball players, and get back out before the Cuban government knows what hit them. But when Richards and his co-pilot (Cuban American Mario Rodriquez with secrets of his own), eventually begin their descent, they see on the field below not only the two ball players they were expecting, but also more than fifty men, women and children waiting for transport to America. And that’s only the beginning of their problems…

Escaping Cuba is a thriller teeming with aggressive CIA agents, Navy Seals, merciless Cuban Army soldiers, beautiful women and ordinary Cubans trying to get by without making waves… It’s an absolute must read for anyone who likes their adrenalin rush mixed with authenticity, historical detail and great company.

Alan McTeer

Red Zone

“Character development was intriguing and the pace never flagged. Will look for more from this author. Read it, you won’t be sorry!”

– Amazon Reader

The plan is to fly a small plane to Colombia, collect the delivery fee, and return to Miami on an airliner. But ace pilot Alan Richards begrudgingly agrees to deliver passengers as well – a last minute concession that will turn his near-perfect life into a mortal nightmare.

A crash landing in a burning plane, torture at the hands of someone who has mistaken him for someone else, and a forced tour of some of South Americas most horrifying prisons are only the beginning of the long journey that will ultimately deliver him (and his copilot pretty-boy Mario Rodriguez) into the hands of drug smugglers hiding out in the region of Colombia known as the Red Zone.

Red Zone, a novel based on events that actually happened to the author, pits two well-intended but humanly fallible characters against some very bad men in an adventure that brims with danger, excitement, humor, insight and veracity.

Gabriela Ibarra


“I like the book too much!”

– Amazon Reader

El piloto de hielo Alan Richards, había tomado un trabajo transportando a un grupo de científicos de Greenpeace en un hidroavión, para identificar barcos de carga y cruceros que estuvieran lanzando desechos por la borda. Cuando una falla en el motor lo obligó a aterrizar en un área de México conocida por el tráfico de drogas (sin contar con un plan de vuelo), optando por abandonar el avión y asumir las consecuencias, viviendo en una playa a pesar de correr el riesgo de ser confundido con un narcotraficante.

Esto le dio a la CIA la oportunidad de entrar en el juego. Ellos sabían que Alan siempre estaba escapando de su pasado, y necesitaban un piloto adicto al peligro exactamente como el para volar al interior de Cuba, aterrizar, subir a dos jugadores de beisbol y salir antes de que el gobierno tuviera información al respecto. Pero cuando Richards y su copiloto (Mario Rodríguez un cubano americano con su propia historia), finalmente inician su descenso, se encuentran no únicamente con los dos jugadores si no con más de 50 personas, hombres, mujeres y niños todos con la esperanza de ser llevados a Norte América. Y ese fue sólo el inicio de sus problemas…

Escape de Cuba es un libro de Suspenso y aventuras, una lectura obligada para quien le gusta sentir una descarga de adrenalina mezclada con datos históricos reales.